RU-77 Wings of Fire



Wings of Fire a WWII Air Combat Rules Set.

“Wings of Fire is a simple, simultaneous movement rules set that will allow you to recreate almost any WWII era air combat that actually occurred or even could have! Easy to learn, the rules are written so that once the game has been played once or twice, little leafing through them will be needed. Interaction among the players is stressed, with everyone participating. Including stats for 198 different aircraft models. So strap on your Mae West, grab your flying goggles, and scramble to play the game!”

2 teams of 2 or more players construct an air combat engagement using PBVs from the 198 different aircraft stats provided for miniatures. Players simultaneously plot movement and altitude within the performance parameters of the aircraft and take alternating turns executing the movement plot ( braking as needed) then followed by firing.

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